Honest true in time for the recent year, that is a few archaic manga! This Yusei Shonen Papii manga chronicle is straight outta a 1965 scenario of SHONEN MAGAZINE. Thrill to a finances paper, the insubstantial printing, the inevitable foxing and discoloration that comes with the territory of 47 year archaic newsprint! Translation and typesetting by Rick Zerrano, scans and touchup by me. Click on on pages while shouting “Papii!” to develop images.
Will Prince Planet – er, I mean Papii – defeat the mystery robot? What is the main at the encourage of Murky and White? Protect tuned for the thrilling conclusion to our manga chronicle! Brought to you by GLICO. Gu-ri-co, gu-ri-co, GUU-RII-COOO…