45 Days Of CCS: The Index

This used to be the longest characteristic I’ve ever bustle on the Center for Cartoon Analysis, totaling 45 days and along side 73 diversified cartoonists. It’s exciting to peep the breadth and depth of work rising from CCS, a pair of of which is fairly very perfect. Right here is the index of every entry.

1. Ashley Jablonski

2. Johna Mandel

3. Jarad Greene

4. Gabrielle Tinnirello, Al Varela

5. Epic Persing, Dylan Sparks

6. Ride Press Girl

7. Colleen Frakes, Mary Shyne, Carl Antonowicz, Coco Fox

8. Kristen Shull

9. Wayne Carter

10. Ana Two

11. Daryl Seitchik

12. Ellie Liota, Clover Ajamie

13. Rachel Bivens

14. Penina Gal, Rachel Dukes, Kori Handwerker

15. Andy Lindquist, Package Anderson

16. Ria Garcia, Annabel Driussi

17. Mannie Murphy, Dean Sudarsky

18. Dan Nott

19. Betsey Swardlick

20. Quinn Thomson, Alex Washburn

21. Bread Tarleton

22. Robyn Smith

23. Meg Selkey

24. 666 Comics

25. Iris Yan, Mercedes Campos Lopez

26. Steve Thueson

27. King Ray, Micheal Sweater

28. Juniper Kim

29. Comox, Ionosphere

30. EB Sciales, Michael Albrecht

31. Taylor Hunt, Sofia Martin, Sydney Austin

32. F.G. Meanie, Edea Giang

33. Laura Meilman

34. Iris Gudeon

35. Zaria Cannon

36. Mac Maclean

37. Filipa Estrela, Allison Bannister

38. April Malig

39. What The Gnomes Know

40. Josh Rosen

41. Meandering Geographical regions

42. Issy Manley, Anna Sellheim

43. Rust Belt Review #5, Beth Hetland

44. Natalie Norris

45. Aaron Cockle