#162: Authorities Crime Investigation Agent Zaizen Jotaro (2006)


Director: Hidetoshi Ōmori

Screenplay: Hideki Mitsui

In accordance with the manga by Ken
Kitashiba and Yasuhiro Watanabe

Verbalize Solid: Teruaki Ogawa as
Jotaro Zaizen; Hiroshi Ohtake as Keiichi Suzuki; Kōzō Shioya as Takumi
Mochizuki; Rica Fukami as Junko Yoshioka; Rintarou Nishi as Ryuichi Jinnai; Seizo
Katou as Kozo Soneya; Tetsu Inada as Naoto Todo; Tomomichi Nishimura as Seijiro

Viewed in Jap with English Subtitles1

Da bomb!

We can name this overview a
tribute to the Anime World Expose podcast, which began in December 2005 and
level-headed persevered into the 2020s. It has outlasted other podcasts about anime,
even anime distributors within the usa and even corporations from Japan. They’ve
seen one form of anime distribution, that insane knowing of advertising and marketing and marketing three to four
episodes per rotund mark disc for a entire sequence, die out in favour of
streaming, even seen the transient HD DVD versus Blu-Ray struggle, even saw when Crunchyroll, a liked streaming
service, passe to bootleg anime and were suspicious till gaining noteworthy
respectability, admiration and even co-funded fashioned titles for their
streaming service.

I finally feel the of us we admire –
authors, writers, commentators – as noteworthy impression our obsessions as noteworthy as
the principle of one thing we test out in formative years. The first anime I saw will leave an
impression, but additionally the titles (alongside manga) that podcast own brought up,
and level-headed must secure to, own influenced me over the years too. They also
obsess us with obscurities we admire to trace down, or no no longer as much as for myself the
oddities they and no one else bring up turn into admire sacred items to no no longer as much as witness
as soon as. I seriously doubt anybody else lined Zaizen Jotaro, as we will name this show hide for transient on this overview,
but they did support in August 2007, and even then, they finest lined six of
eleven episodes, a uncommon case the put, for the most section covering the whole lot of
a piece, they did no longer. Succor then, it became as soon as level-headed being fan subbed by the morbidly
unfamiliar. Whereas it’ll seem an irregular tribute to settle what’s not any longer an true show hide in
the marginally, they’ve lined worse, and it became as soon as repeatedly the eccentricities, as noteworthy
as a most productive, which repeatedly tantalised me and I am level-headed monitoring down.

What Zaizen Jotaro is, and I am overjoyed to in the end knock this dispute their possess praises that
record to glimpse, is what you enact, adapting a manga began in 2004, to are trying and sell
the model of intrepid pulp figure of the “Seinen” model to an older
salaryman if he would not love any of those delusion and science fiction tales.
Seinen, a form of sage meant to be sold to adult males between their teen years
and heart age, has evolved over the years. What is finally represents in what
the interval of time device is diverse this say day. It might in all probability get connections to the “Gekiga”
circulate, coined by manga author Yoshihiro
to pass a long way from young of us’s comics to those for adults, but it absolutely can
differ between the more violent and adult vow material to even comedies about excessive
college ladies. It has turn into as versatile as other “genres” centered to
gendered target market, as “Shōjo” is meant for young ladies but might dart
from science fiction by female authors to dramas. Hence, it would no longer finally be
held as one part or one other. This, on the opposite hand, for me became as soon as clearly an strive
at that form of dynamic storytelling from their more action packed, adult
tales….somewhere to a aim older male reader’s world, no longer assassinating
of us admire Golgo 13 or fighting in
delusion world, but stamping down on political and financial corruption
especially within the building change.

Now, as anime and manga own
proven, no knowing is too dull or ridiculous if it is in all probability you’ll pull it off. Here, I might
no longer support but judge the 2001 anime sequence adaptation of Salaryman Kintaro, per the Hiroshi
manga and presumably one amongst the obscurest anime titles to finally
secure a release on DVD within the United Kingdom. In that show hide, a susceptible motorbike
gang chief with a noble coronary heart entered official white collar work within the
building change; it became as soon as no longer a finest show hide, but it absolutely became as soon as difficult in
terms of trying to attract a melodramatic sage in frequent working existence, with all
the heightened drama and suspense anticipated for an action sage, and this can
no longer be the closing time I evoke this show hide with Zaizen Jotaro. Zaizen Jotaro
has more licensed for bombast as it follows the titular figure, a susceptible cop
who had his death faked and is a member of the independently ran
anti-corruption crew the Authorities Crime Investigation Company (GCIA). He’s a
sizzling headed but noble figure who believes in justice and has carte blanche to
grab on nasty politicians, embezzling change managers, and even the
criminal underworld backing them.

He can fight, but his secret
weapon is limitless money. Whereas Batman is a millionaire with the relieve of
his class privilege, he no no longer as much as went into exile to be taught martial arts and
diverse systems appropriate in case expertise and wealth weren’t ample. Jotaro,
who exiled to the “deserts of Mountainous Britain” (??), has the final
bank card which he waves spherical also as his badge, the clothier gold dim card
which enables him to rent one thing he wants. Huge building trucks, employed
armed support-up, one thing. He’s armed
to know on idiosyncratic and colourful figures, equivalent to a gang chief who loves
theatre, and between them throw Shakespeare quotations at one yet any other, to the
final villain, a ninety plus yr venerable gang boss who yet has the physique of
a forty yr venerable man, looking with his large muscle groups admire a villain from a Fist of the North Giant name rip-off, and all
those decades to expand a crew is named the Unlit Dragon Group of workers who alter
all the issues.

Earlier than we finally secure to the
fact, as I learnt of this show hide, Zaizen
shouldn’t be any longer a subjectively appropriate show hide within the slightest, but enable us to step
support slightly than merely trash it. Reconsider no no longer as much as that, yet, here’s level-headed
the identical idealised male image of the man say in other Jap pop culture.
One who woos all stunning females who he encounters; one who can talk support and
be cocky in a culture the put, infamously, the phrase “the nail that sticks
out gets hammered down” appears to be like reasonably in, and as a fighter for fact and
justice, especially to terminate nasty of us stealing the populous’ tax money, he
is a dart ass who can out think or appropriate out model anybody else. The distinction is
he’s now in a realm of the conventional working man, any individual who is suave and
classy even within the sphere of building change corruption the put their crimes
are smaller scale admire making more affordable (but more unpleasant to utilize) concrete by
mixing in sand.

Jotaro, even with eyebrows so
interesting he might originate cans with them, to borrow a comical sage from that AWO Podcast overview, is a delusion supreme
for a male reader to imagine himself as. Positively a females’ man as, even as
chaste, there might be one sex scene and nearly every lady he encounters (side
agents, criminal mistresses, saved females of luxury) becomes nearly the equivalent
of the harem model female characters, joining the GCIA and looking on lovingly
at him. (There is even some slapstick of him having wandering eyes; also
unfortunately some field materials, groping of us from within the support of, no longer acceptable even
from the pervert male excessive college student this say day). The delusion of luxury, in
spite of this being relating to the delusion of swatting down nasty politicians,
can no longer be overlooked either. Barely finally touching the overall man, baring at
least the police or the one firm worker who Jotaro rescues and has on his
team, it is miles as noteworthy about heart class or luxurious of us with limitless money
to own the finest suits, the finest meals and alcohol and heaps others.

If fact be told as successfully, here’s in
context to a truly foolish show hide with is also insanely cheap. Earlier than we even secure to
the sequence’ account, here’s a rudimentary looking programme to articulate the
least, with the added quirk of its strive at model. Shorthand that appears to be like
jarring, equivalent to many swipe pans to transition to sleek scenes, one piquant a
gun being waved across the show hide hide from factual to left to decrease to the following scene.
Or decreasing internal a shot an outrageous pack up of a personality or an image, within the
apartment at the birth of the initial shot, in what’s admire a collage-admire hybrid of
two diverse shots which, finally, stands out but is beholden to how cheap
the show hide appears to be like to be like.

The first episode belies this as
successfully as, for a show hide meant to be relating to the edgy field of corruption in
Jap culture, suggesting a detailed and labyrinth thriller, this show hide is
also comically sizable. From his introduction our titular protagonist is a
frosty keen film, buzzing an airport alter tower, including bending actuality of
electronics by being in a space to project his face in a panel, to being in a space to snap
his fingers and own an navy of of us costume him neatly in public. Even his
catchphrase – “Da bomb” – is goofy, and never spoken (in English) in
a logical circumstance the put it makes sense to. The show hide tones down
critically, but in that first episode you secure a motorway over skedaddle with successfully-organized
18-wheelers trying to skedaddle him over, to monks, Christian no longer Buddhist,
inexplicably trying to off him, environment the stage for what might appear a
hyper-exaggerated farce.

Even previous then, it does finally feel
admire a baby’s delusion of law enforcement officers and robbers, grown to an adult’s without a real
sense of what it is miles trying to address in political nasty and a quantity of
abruptness. I learnt some issues, I child you no longer reader, of worth to be the next
man, quotations of Shakespeare to
what meals are detoxins that can support one reside longer, admire plums, when Zotaro
is in the end launched to the most most important villain by looking out out the clinical institution he’s at. The
show hide shouldn’t be wise if you wanted any put to account for on what exact change
nasty is. Salaryman Kintaro,
even as also ridiculous, no no longer as much as had a scene the put Kintaro learns how
building corporations tell on projects to enact the work on, wanted as exposition
for when Kintaro is responsive to of us trying to rig the ballots; if remotely
appropriate to how Jap change work, that exposition in itself became as soon as no no longer as much as
of worth. Here, there might be incessantly even an account for put reason of the
world, even earlier than it ends in change males being assassinated or compelled to
execute themselves, relating to the intricacies of embezzlement even supposing simplified.

Even if sizable, even supposing level-headed
pandering to this macho delusion, even with the shrimp animation, this show hide
would own been difficult as a melodramatic sage, with gangs and manly tears
being shed, law enforcement officers firing their pistols within the air in salute to their
fallen comrade at a funeral and a struggle of phrases at the sea slip, which elaborated
on a world of change and political corruption from them. Even for a show hide as
ridiculous as having the daughter of that fallen officer be the one who
conjures up all people with phrases previous her years yet naive, this will in all probability own been
an intently over-the-top but in-depth sage. Even a show hide the put the lead
actually becomes a superhero by disguising himself admire a sketch of a chauffeur
might own some gravitas. Anime’s finest advantage is that, grown up with even
if regularly proven after dumb night on Jap television, it is miles not that it is miles
more passe, as young of us’s shows existing can attest to, but that admire manga
you’ve the flexibility to address any premise or tone. The sequence Hidetoshi Ōmori,
even as that show hide shouldn’t be any longer known about anymore, adapted a shonen (young teen
target market) manga known as Dan Doh!!!  in 2004 for television, a account about golf. So
a change crime account would own worked. A particular person with a bank card for a weapon
in opposition to greedy fatcats is level-headed credible. Neither is finally carried out successfully.

Most of Zaizen Jotaro is amusingly naff as a change. An ending of an episode without warning
ends decreasing in a  shot of a fighter
airplane without warning exploding within the sky, Jotaro no longer since a film serial lead
fraught with fighting in opposition to episode pause cliff-hangers, others following suit
in their sudden abrupt turns. Characters, regularly the males, metaphorically
beat their chests about justice and serving to Japan be the finest without
corruption, no longer compulsory jingoistic either because the GCIA is meant to be the
Jap equivalent of the FBI. In a single other show hide, it would own had weight that many
of the figures we meant are venerable males, or males in their heart age, which saw
Japan rebuild itself after World Battle II or were there because the country became as soon as slowly
gaining financial balance, but here it is miles lost.

I would be amused if it ever received
a factual Blu Ray release or streamed within the West. All anime ought to be
on hand. I can no longer detest Zaizen Jotaro,
because it is miles too charming in what it is miles despite what’s wasted. Nonetheless on the opposite hand,
I shouldn’t be any longer going to child the reader that here’s an true show hide. Diminished expectations are
no longer ample to secure across the moments that dart with the drift along, or the problematic
gender politics the put one female personality appropriate secure killed for an emotional
weight, or that it would not own an real ending either, appropriate a form of abrupt
conclusion, and that a whole lot of the show hide’s most dynamic scenes are appropriate conferences
by businessmen being finally polite as they apologise for scandals that the put
would not exhibit. It’s on the opposite hand an irregular, humorous piece of time pill, with
some hobby, some entertainment, and some fascination.


1) Unreleased within the West, I had
to rely for this piece on a model, say within the yr 2020, the put the
subtitles were clearly translated by any individual (or a computer instrument) without a longer
the most finest grab of English particularly in sentence structure, which
will be awkwardly keep collectively now and again. I am level-headed overjoyed to own been in a space to
witness the show hide, and it level-headed made sense, so my coronary heart goes out to the particular person (and even
instrument) that enable this overview even occur.