1 Thing To Hate About Sugar Sugar Rune

Sugar Sugar Rune is an anime and manga sequence by Moyoco Anno. From the title itself, that you would possibly already checklist that this is a shoujo-form point out that is aimed for ladies. For certain, there’s completely nothing sinful with that. So, what’s the likelihood with this anime then? What’s there to abominate about it?

Chocolat Meilleure / Kato and Vanilla Mieux / Ice, anime, manga, moyoco anno, sugar sugar rune

The acknowledge to that attach a query to would possibly maybe presumably also furthermore be summed up in three phrases: magical transformation sequence.

Yep, this is a form of shows that is all about magic and delusion. While I admire the genre, I would also indubitably form with out the magical transformation sequences.

For one factor, these scenes are fully pointless and needless. SeeingĀ Chocolat Meilleure / Kato and Vanilla Mieux / Ice, the main characters in Sugar Sugar Rune, remodel once is already bigger than ample.

Who needs to hunt them remodel into their witch outfits over and but again every and each episode? What’s worse is the truth that there are loads of episodes when these 2 witches remodel bigger than once.

Their transformation sequence shall be immediate, but when they have confidence got to form it bigger than once per episode, it doesn’t build it any less traumatic, to no longer dispute a total raze of time.

Chocolat Meilleure / Kato and Vanilla Mieux / Ice, moyoco anno, anime, manga, sugar sugar rune

All of the factor doesn’t even build sense. Why? Or no longer it’s ‘trigger Chocolat and Vanilla are among the attention-grabbing ones we leer having to transform to use their magic.

We have confidence viewed other magical participants in the Human World, like Rockin’ Robin, and but none of them have confidence to swap their outfits in checklist to solid spells.

So, what’s up with that? At the least, be fixed, legal? What form you have faith you studied about this discipline? I talk extra about this danger in this post here on Soyuz Mir.

I would have confidence moved this one here on Anime Archives (Anime Meta) too, but it indubitably’s already got some comments and notes on Tumblr, so I hump to assign it there indefinitely. I’m declaring it here for reference because the comfort of the anime posts on there will eventually be moved here.

– Every Sugar Sugar Rune pics are from Amazon.com; hyperlinks confirmed above