Title: 陈悦 Kingboo
Date of Birth: Sept 3, 1989
Measurements: 34 23 32
Height: 164 cm
Weight: Forty eight kg
Blog: http://50771282.blog.163.com/
About: 陈悦 or greater is named Kingboo, is a fashioned pretty lady with a pair of tall ravishing eyes and provocative minute face. Kingboo is from Shanghai Pudong dwelling and currently studying in the Shanghai Movie Academy. Neatly, how does Kingboo regarded take care of earlier than?
She wasn’t that corrupt earlier than and I’m obvious with obtain-ups, she’ll be pretty anyway. However, it became as soon as believed that she had passed during the knife for eyelid opening, sharper nostril and jawbone for smaller face. Anyway, entirely the supreme of Kingboo on the market here, all filtered by http://dailylenglui.blogspot.com.