adult sex stories

Nina and Jessica had been friends since college and even after college, they had kept in touch. They were both in their thirties, married and had two kids each. Even though their lives were filled with work and family, they still found solace in the occasional sexting session.

It all started when Nina sent Jessica a message one night, telling her that she was thinking about her and what she’d like to do to her. Jessica was taken aback, but intrigued, and so the conversation began.

The two women decided to play a game. Jessica would send a message describing something she’d like to do to Nina, and Nina would respond with a description of something she’d like to do to Jessica. They would then take turns, going back and forth until the messages had become so erotic that neither of them could take it anymore.

The conversations quickly became more and more detailed, with each of them pushing their boundaries further and further. They talked about fantasies they had never discussed with anyone before, and they both found themselves aroused by the words they were exchanging.

The sexting sessions soon became a regular thing and a great way for them to express their desires without feeling judged or embarrassed. They felt liberated and alive.

Eventually, the two of them decided to take things to the next level and arranged to meet up in person. When they finally got together, their sexual chemistry was undeniable, and they enjoyed a night filled with passion and pleasure.

It had been one of the best nights of their lives, and it was all thanks to their sexting stories.

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